Latest Episodes
Tom Mendel
Bassist Tom Mendel has had a long and storied career as a bass player. He has been ‘based’ (pardon the pun) in Chicago for...
BJ Levy
CFM president, BJ Levy is my blockbuster guest to kick off Season 3 on Chicago Musician. BJ had a long career as a professional...
Mumbai Bye
A visit to Mumbai is on tap for Part 3 of my Indian adventure, Mumbai Bye. Part 2 ended with us still in Jammu...
Still India
‘Still India’ picks up where I left off after the ‘So I went to India. . .’ episode (Cadenza #5). My Indian adventure continues...
So, I went to India. . .
went to India with my cousin Gisele for the first two weeks of April. We were planning to visit and travel with our cousin...
Infield Fly: Ruhl #2
More with Malcolm Ruhl. At the end of Part I (last episode), Malcolm was just about to make his Broadway debut. So yes, there...